All information about the action in the greater Hamburg area can be found in the legal aid brochure combined for Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony [available soon] (updated August 2022).

If you get mail from the police, the public prosecutor’s office or a court, please contact: (PGP key)

The legal team has compiled relevant information for everyone, so that you are well prepared for the action! 🙂

    • What does the legal team actually do? (updated August 2022, PDF)
    • The way to camp and action (updated August 2022, PDF)
    • Minors in action (updated August 2022, PDF)
    • ID refusal – the “Position of Ende Gelände” on the topic (updated August 2022, PDF)
    • Racism and repression – legal information (09/2020, as PDF)

Check the upcoming events to see if and where anti-repression trainings for the actions are taking place in your area!

EA (Legal Team)
The Legal Team (Was ist der EA?) is reachable via:
+49-(0)30 34060313
Here you can generate your EA number:

Enjoy the action and take care!

For questions and legal support for the action 2022 please contact: (PGP-Key)

Our Solidarity Against Their Repression!