Abya Yala Anticolonial
Aktionsbündnis Kesselbambule
Animal Rebellion
Antifa Hoheluft
ASEED Europe
Bombelki Collective Bombelki Collective is a small group of well organised people based in Warsaw, Poland, that uses creative and controversial NVDA tactics, strong, incriminating language and narrative, aiming to halt the operation and investments of corporations such as Gaz System and Orlen, as well as the Polish government, and delegitimise gas w as an energy source. They believe those actions will create a sense of strong, unbreakable social resistance resultng in great PR and economic losses, while the direct pressure caused by confrontation and blockades will make the decision-makers feel threatened and willing to deescalate and appease the activists.
Colombia Solidaria Hamburgo
Debt for Climate!
Ende Gelände
Extinction Rebellion
FAU Hamburg
Fridays for Future Hamburg
Gegenstrom Hamburg
Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie
Grüne Jugend Hamburg
Internationale Sozialistische Organisation
Interventionistische Linke
Junges Attac
Kipppunkt Kollektiv
Klimacamp Lüneburg
KlimaKollektiv e.V. i.G.
Klimakollektiv Oldenburg
Klimatreffen Hamburg
Lützerath Lebt
Rettet Hamburgs Natur
Rheinmetall Entwaffnen
RWE & Co enteignen
Sand im Getriebe
Seebrücke Berlin
Transform LEJ
...ums Ganze!
Ung Vänster Göteborg & Bohuslän
Wald statt Asphalt
We Are Plan C
Women defend Rojava